On-Demand Webinar: Cancel Culture
If getting cancelled isn't part of your crisis planning, it needs to be. In a world where outrage travels fast and missteps lead to mob mentality, the list of organizations and individuals facing 'cancel culture' backlash grows longer by the day. Clients are demanding more transparency and social purpose from organizations and leaders than ever before but getting it wrong (or doing nothing) can have serious consequences. And while managing a nonprofit, municipality, business, post-secondary or other organization in the age of cancel culture is uncharted territory, addressing calls for accountability has become mission-critical for any public relations strategy to succeed.
In this workshop, you will learn:
• The rise of cancel culture – online and in the real world
• The dangers of 'woke-washing' and tone-deaf activism
• How nonprofits can protect themselves from being cancelled
• Reputation management strategies in the age of cancel culture
• The way forward: shifting from a cancel culture to an accountable culture
• Further resources and next steps
Presented by Kathryn Kolaczek, CEO @Alchemy Communications
Kathryn Kolaczek is an entrepreneur and communications strategist who helps other entrepreneurs and brands grow robust revenue growth by creating conversations in communities that matter. Alchemy Communications is a full-service Public Relations firm specializing in traditional and social media strategy and integration, and strategic communications management, including crisis communications. Kathryn earned her PR and social media stripes at ‘The Mompreneur Magazine’ where she served as the company's CEO and used PR as the main marketing tool for the growing company. Since that time, Kathryn has created and executed crisis communications strategies for brands managing national and international product recalls, board governance issues, employee injuries and death as well as environmental crises. In times of brand stress, Kathryn serves to create and clarify the key messages, control the conversation, and offer support to media and communities in need of accurate and timely information.