eBook: Communications Strategies for a Pandemic
“Disease outbreaks are inevitable, and often unpredictable, events. The environment surrounding an outbreak is unique in all of public health. Outbreaks are frequently marked by uncertainty, confusion, and a sense of urgency. Communication, generally through the media, is another feature of the outbreak environment. Unfortunately, examples abound of communication failure which have delayed outbreak control, undermined public trust and compliance, and unnecessarily prolonged economic, social, and political turmoil. The World Health Organization (WHO) believes it is now time to acknowledge that communication expertise has become as essential to outbreak control as epidemiological training and laboratory analysis.”
—WHO Outbreak Communication Guidelines
This free download will give you the essential steps to manage a Pandemic Communications Strategy, including:
The role of the Communications Coordinator
Choosing a Spokesperson
Identifying your Communications Needs and Goals
Identifying Materials Needed
Preparing Your First Announcement
Monitoring the Media Responses