On-Demand Webinar: Communications Planning for Municipalities
Unfortunately, as with any business in the private sector, it's becoming increasingly difficult for municipalities to anticipate when or where they might face a crisis.
Whether it be a dangerous natural disaster, a political scandal or a contentious development project, every municipality needs to be prepared to conduct urgent and effective communications to rise to the challenges a crisis will inevitably bring.
When you factor in our increasingly interconnected world, it's become clear that traditional approaches to crisis communications will no longer be enough to protect people and property and keep communities united in the midst of growing societal polarization.
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:
• Keep your lines of communication open
• Acquire the tools and resources needed
• Not speak – just listen
• Be prepared to speak to the media
• Craft key messages
Presented by Kathryn Kolaczek, CEO @Alchemy Communications
Kathryn Kolaczek is an entrepreneur and communications strategist who helps other entrepreneurs and brands grow robust revenue growth by creating conversations in communities that matter. Alchemy Communications is a full-service Public Relations firm specializing in traditional and social media strategy and integration, and strategic communications management, including crisis communications. Kathryn earned her PR and social media stripes at ‘The Mompreneur Magazine’ where she served as the company's CEO and used PR as the main marketing tool for the growing company. Since that time, Kathryn has created and executed crisis communications strategies for brands managing national and international product recalls, board governance issues, employee injuries and death as well as environmental crises. In times of brand stress, Kathryn serves to create and clarify the key messages, control the conversation, and offer support to media and communities in need of accurate and timely information.